The product features of Smooch were created as short demo videos to help the sales team explain the product to clients.
For this project I did the design of the webpage and video production. I worked on the editing and recording of the chat conversations, and created the animation for the video intro and logo outro. Some videos I worked on included how a user changes from web SDK to a chat app, a bot changing to an agent, and how a user can be authenticated. The web page introduced the new illustration style I designed and illustrated.
I created a simple wireframe showing the different videos on the page. One idea was to have a separate page to get more information about the video but to keep it simple the video would pop up and play on the page. The secondary page was scrapped by the team and the supporting copy that would have been on the webpage was turned into a bullet point slide in the video.
I did an exploration of different UI for videos using iconography, and text copy. The idea behind the icons was to show the categorization of a video but since there weren't a lot of videos using icons was scrapped.
Transferring a conversation from a chat app to the Smooch iOS SDK.